Family life at home during Covid-19
How are you all doing out there? It's feeling like a pretty strange time right now, with a rapidly changing situation before us all.
I'm sitting here watching a video of Jacinda's latest press conference. I am mostly just so incredibly relieved that the NZ government is moving fast and thoroughly. Because of this change, we are all faced with a dramatically different day tomorrow, spending it with our close family in self isolation.
I imagine that this is a nerve-racking time, especially if you or any family members or loved ones have compromised immunity or underlying conditions to manage.
We have had our 3 young children home from school and playcentre for the last week with regular colds while we continue to work, and let me tell you - it's got me thinking about how we'll manage for the next month or longer when schools are closed. Granted, we're lucky in that we work from home usually, but this takes on new challenges when all 5 of us are required to be at home together all the time.
Last night I quickly wrote out a plan for a regular home routine, and it was actioned today!
Here's my first draft
I also found this really great list of ideas from @theangrymumnz that might help if you're like me and need to make some plans for keeping your family in a somewhat normal rhythm.
As far as things go for Hoopla Kids, we're checking the latest government rules and what they will mean for our operation. It's probable that we will have to put a hold on shipping orders because we can't ask our courier carriers to be put at risk any further. We will let you know what our plan is once we've had a thorough look at everything.
Thinking of you all as we collectively enter unchartered waters tomorrow!
Also in Blog

Hoopla Kids 10th Birthday
It's our 10th birthday! And we're both celebrating (scroll down for our giveaway) and taking a trip down memory lane.
At the centre of our journey has been you - our lovely customers, so thank you for coming along for the ride!