When lemons come by the bag full . . .
I have a secret supply of lemons from a sunny town where the lemons grow like crazy. And sometimes when I'm lucky I get a shopping bag or two full of them dropped off by my brother in law.
So when lemons come by the bag full, I juice them! But there's more to juicing lemons than meets the eye.
The juice I freeze in ice cube trays and store in plastic bags or containers in the freezer. Externally helpful and convenient. Next I grate the rind off the skins and freeze that in ice cube trays. But I'm left with a large pile of lemon skins.
Worms aren't so keen on bucketfuls of citrus so I avoid putting my bulk lemon peels in my compost bin. Instead I chop them to mulch in my food processor . . .
. . . And I lay them under the pine needle mulch around my blueberry plants. Blueberry plants like the soil more acid than other plants so the lemon skins are put to good use.
Also in Blog
Hoopla Kids 10th Birthday
It's our 10th birthday! And we're both celebrating (scroll down for our giveaway) and taking a trip down memory lane.
At the centre of our journey has been you - our lovely customers, so thank you for coming along for the ride!